It’s a question that could only be borne out of some paranoid evangelical fever dream. Which it partly was. I graduated high school in 1976. The 60’s counter-culture movement was winding down. I’d taken my share of LSD and exhausted the little monies I had on rock concerts and vinyl albums. So by the decade’s [...]
LGBTQ+ characters in film and novels have skyrocketed over the last several decades. Some of this is simply representative of a growing cultural acceptance of gay lifestyles. However, part of this is also the result of growing representation of alternate sexualities in art and culture. Not only has the media helped change views about gays [...]
The Second Edition of Christian Horror: On the Compatibility of a Biblical Worldview and the Horror Genre, is now available in audiobook. Narrated by Randy Streu, this updated edition has almost twice the content as the original, clocking in at nearly 65K words (as opposed to the first edition’s 35K). Of course, I’ve included references [...]
Religion continues to be a prevalent thematic element of many contemporary horror films. 2024 was no exception. There are many possible reasons for the intersection of horror and religion, which I discuss at length in my book Christian Horror: On the Compatibility of a Biblical Worldview and the Horror Genre. Exploring existence and the human [...]

The re-election of Donald Trump was a national trigger for many Americans. Days after the election, Washington, D.C. Pittsburgh, New York City, Portland, and Seattle saw hundreds to thousands of protesters. LA Times and WaPo subscribers cancelled their subscriptions because the papers did not endorse the Democrat candidate. Feminists shaved their heads and vowed sex [...]

One day, during my pastorate, I was approached by a young couple. “Pastor,” they said, “we have a ghost in our house.” This was not a statement I was prepared for. In fact, I nearly laughed, thinking it was a prank. However, the couple was unnervingly serious. They proceeded to tell me specifics about this [...]
My latest novella “Keeper of the Woods” is now available in Kindle and in paperback. I have long been fascinated with cryptozoology, in particular, the ongoing claims for the existence of sasquatch. While there’s a variety of opinions (and outright skepticism) about the actual existence of such mysterious hominids, many of the claims now veer [...]
I’m thrilled to announce the publication of my 14th book. My novella, Keeper of the Woods, is currently available for pre-order on Kindle. Here’s the back cover copy: Sacred Springs retreat center, located in the isolated wilderness of Mount Shasta, is a popular destination for spiritual seekers. But while the idyllic, off-the-grid ranch offers tranquility and [...]

The genre of horror is typically seen as incompatible with Christianity. Though not representative of all evangelicals, many reject the entire horror genre, seeing it as a vehicle of occultism, and a tool for Satan. At the least, they argue, Christians should be focused on “the good, pure, and true” (Phil. 4:8) and not depictions [...]

UFOlogy has moved through several different iterations over the last seventy-plus years. Since the first well-known UFO sighting took place in 1947, the U.S. military has been investigating, mostly covertly, reports of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). Though the infamous Project Blue Book was allegedly terminated in 1969, the U.S. Air Force has continued to catalog [...]