Having recently written about Melody’s pregnancy — and our first grandchild — it’s ironic that I must now write about death. But such is life.
This week, my father-in-law, Leon, passed away from Alzheimer’s. He was 68 years old, just three years out of retirement. The disease struck him hard, quickly stripping him of memory and physical ability. Leon loved his wife, his grandkids and the earth. Yet none of these could halt the dreaded illness.
So this coming Monday, December 4th, we shall gather with friends and family to laugh, to grieve, to extract meaning from memory, and to reflect upon our own mortality. “For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone” (Romans 14:7 NIV). This was true about Leon, as it is true about us.Â
As such, he has not left us alone. Leon Morris has left me with my wonderful mother-in-law, my beautiful wife, four terrific children, and a bright, hopeful future. And next month, Lord willing, he will have left us with his first great-grandchild.
Into Your hands, O Lord, do I commit his spirit. . .Â

I am sorry. Alzheimer’s is a difficult disease to watch and experience. May the beauty of his life continue to be reflected in all who have not yet joined him on his journey Home.
I’m sorry to hear of your loss, Mike. Grace and peace to you and your wife, your mother-in-law, and all who love Leon.
I’m sorry for your loss, Mike.
I’m sorry too, Mike. Life is so sad sometimes. I attended family funerals during each of my three pregnancies. Guess that’s the way it goes.
I just said a prayer for your family and a thanksgiving for Leon’s legacy.
Though I’m just commenting now, you know my prayers were/are with Lisa and your families.
You and Lisa have my prayers and sympathy.
Alzheimer’s is an ugly disease, and 68 is so young.