Aside from the pyrotechnics, Roman pillars, celebrity-sightings, and We-Are-the-World-caliber weepiness, my favorite part of the Democratic Convention in Denver were the protesters. I just can’t get enough of these rabid, unwashed lefties. Here’s a sampling…

I particularly like the “Riot 4 Peace” sign in the lower right. I’m not sure how that works, but…

Perhaps the only evil is the belief in evil. But if Saddam was shredding people alive, was that good?

In this Gulag, I’m wondering how you can get a shirt like that made and sold on a public street.

The Youth Vote, or extras from the next Mad Max film.

Actually, broccoli gives me gas.

I’m thinking about starting a Home Security chain using Magical Realism. The protection is imaginary, but the cost is quite real.

The GOP pachyderm reads “Porn is Bipartisan.” Can someone explain what that means?

A brave soul.

The protester on the bottom right wants to prevent the annihilation of the planet, but not the unborn (see his shirt). I don’t get it.

So Communism is not a “Brutal Empire”? Maybe they burned their history books with their bras.
A large contingent of 911 thruthers made it to Denver. Funny how the networks missed these loons.
Gallons of feces and urine used by protesters to bomb police. Called the Doo Doo Accord, it forced the city to ban carrying one’s waste. And these are the folks who wanna stop nukes.

I’m glad I wasn’t.
Doesn’t it remind you of Ba’al worship?
I could probably come up with an explanation for the elephant, but I honestly don’t feel like putting my brain that far down the gutter.
And I had to actually see the footage of the ‘temple’ to believe the rumors. The images I saw originally looked to me more like an amphitheater, which would have been interesting.
Greek temples. Very uncreative. And if I were media I’d likely have ignored them all as well.