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Salvage Art

Salvage art has always intrigued me. It’s this concept of using trash, debris, scrap, or otherwise discardable material and recycling it for artistic purposes. I recently took a stab at rescuing something from the dump.


Starting from scratch

Salvaged window frames

Salvaged window frames


Light sanding and a base coat of bluish paint

Corners stamped and frame overlaid w/ mahogany stain

Corners stamped and frame overlaid w/ mahogany stain

Back side; tacks in place for cord and beads

Back side; tacks in place for cord and beads

Beads tacked from opposite side

Beads tacked from opposite side

Adding green clouds

Adding green clouds on back side of windows

More clouds!

More clouds!

Stamp overlaid on front of window

Stamp overlaid on front of window

Adding depth to flower

Adding depth to flowers



Finished product

Finished product

{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Elaina October 31, 2009, 5:47 PM

    My Mom likes to do stuff with old windows. She made a coffee table out of one. And has another that she's hung up. They were from the house she grew up in. I think it's more fun sometimes to take something old like that and turn it into something new.

  • Mom October 31, 2009, 6:42 PM

    If you ever find yourself living on an island for a while, you could be consumed doing things like that.

  • Joey Miller May 1, 2011, 3:52 PM

    This is a neat project. I am interested in making some salvage art too. My favorite museum, the American Visionary Arts Museum in Baltimore is always full of cool things made from different “junk”. You should visit if you get the chance.

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