The Bible is supposed to be a book of answers. So it’s rather interesting how many questions it asks. I’m not referring to unanswered questions about the Bible, nor the philosophical or existential questions raised by the Bible. I’m referring to actual questions asked in the Bible, whether by God, angels, or men.
While some of those questions arise in casual dialog, some are rhetorical devices used to provoke thought or philosophical noodling. For instance, when God asked the rebel Adam “Who told you you were naked?” (Genesis 3:11), He did this for Adam’s sake, not God’s. In fact, that question points to a larger issue like the awakening of the moral conscience, and the act which led to Adam’s need to sew the first set of chonies.
In that light, here’s my Top Ten Favorite Questions Asked in the Bible. Some of them are ironic, some paradoxical, some comic. But I believe all of them are designed to make us think about something other than a good answer.
- “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9) — God seeking Adam after the Man had sinned.
- “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:9) — Cain to God after murdering his brother.
- “Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?” (Gen. 18:25) — Abraham pleading with God to spare Sodom.
- “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?” (Job 38:4) — God questions Job about the extent of his knowledge.
- “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” (Isaiah 6:8) — The godhead asks if anyone will represent Him.
- “Who do you say that I am?” — (Mark 8:29) — Jesus pressing His disciples as to their opinions about His nature and identity.
- “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark. 8:36) — Jesus on what’s really valuable. And what’s not.
- “Who is my neighbor?” (Luke 10:29) — The infamous question posed by a self-righteous religious lawyer that led Jesus into the parable of the Good Samaritan.
- “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5) — The angels to the women searching for Christ’s crucified body.
- “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) — The apostle Paul on God’s absolute power.
Okay, so that’s my list. These questions may be good starter points for personal reflection or group discussion. Any other provocative “questions” asked by the Bible that you’d add to this list?
Really liked this. What a great sermon series this would make. It makes me think how better we’d all be if we majored in asking questions more than imposing on others what we think. Seek to understand rather than be understood.
The Job question is probably my favorite.
I believe God is not only challenging Job
but in the process deconstructing Jon’s
and our ideas of who the Holy One actually
is. It is done in such a way that the
foundations are saved but the critical
methodology is laid bear! Job has to
completely reconstruct his idea of God!
Oh, great questions. Very thought provoking.
Hear are some I like.
The faithless ones:
Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work all by myself? (Martha to Jesus)
Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing? (the disciples to Jesus)
The sorrowful one:
Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? (Jesus to Philip)
The hopeful one:
Sirs, what must I do to be saved? (Philippian jailer to Paul and Silas)
Lord, do you want us to call down fire from hea—oh, wait, that might go better with the faithless ones.
And the wonderful, reassuring ones:
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! (Jesus to the people)
He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all–how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? (Paul to the Romans)
Two others:
He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” (Eze 37:3 NIV)
“What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called Christ?” Pilate asked. (Mat 27:22 NIV)
“Who is man that Thou art mindful of him” Ps. 8:4
i need to know the bible more
Is there no balm in gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of the people recovered?
“What is truth” pilate to Jesus (I think) how could you leave that one out?
Great questions, I have a few as well,
Matthew 16:26 b. What shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?
John 3:4. How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mothers womb?
1 Kings 18:21 And Elijah came unto all the people,and said, How long halt ye between two opinions?
2 Kings 3:3b Why set we here until we die?
Luke 7:20b. Art thou he that should come? Or look we for another?
Matthew 19:16 And behold,one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing must I do, that I may have eternal life?
Job 14:14 If a man die, shall he live again?
God has all wisdom and knowledge so we know he did not ask because he needed instructions
God has all wisdom and knowledge so we know he did not ask because he needed instructions
God has all wisdom and knowledge so we know he does not need instruction
God never asked a question for information, only foe examination. I enjoy reading, and searching the scriptures for answers. It’s great for Sunday School lessons as well.
I was thinking about creating a series of messages for my classes and the idea of biblical questions came to mind. Thanks for helping me with a list of questions from which to pull for the series.
Is there not a cause?
Wow! Very good, but I have a complaint!! After all these great questions, we have missed the single most important question for all the world to see here on the internet.
This following is the greatest, most pivotal question in the Bible.
“Art Thou The Christ?”
This term Christ is where we get the term Christian. Everyone born on earth needs a Christ. This question was asked by a ruler at the most important day in history.
The passage in the Bible to review it is Mark 14:61
The answer was this: “And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.” Shocking!!
Now please a few more thoughts: “The Christ” refers us back to the all the hundreds of Old Testaments types and promises and foreshadowings regarding the desperate need of mankind for a Healer, Deliverer, Savior and as Christ specifically means, Anointed One of God to become all that man needs the Great “I am!” and Redeemer.
This Concept of the Christ is the single most important aspect for many reasons. Here is the most important to me. The Bible is holy. It is set apart from every other book and is God’s masterpiece, Divine Love Letters. It has two covenants that are legal documents and they bring to the Bible the most astonishing thing in history, a code which is self-authenticating. Yes, it is sufficient by itself! The Bible proves its own authority and also proves it authorship as divine by the innumerable prophecies about a coming Christ and then the fulfilments of that Christ in Jesus of Nazareth! Among so called sacred books no other book comes close to the amazing features of the Holy Bible.
Well said remember when he asked His disciples that question he told Peter that Flesh and Blood did not reveal the answer thus by revelation…Is not Jer.17:9 man’s biggest problem recognizing our spiritual bankruptcy Matthew 5:3 that’s a more fundamental question 1st and 2nd Corinthians 4:7 what does anyone have that they first didn’t receive? This question should humble us Isaiah 57:15 there are only two options the Spirit of Truth or the spirit of error Matthew 6:24 7:12-27 thus proverbs 13:10 , 3:5-7 4:23* see Vernon Jenkins The Ultimate Intention download introduction free. Indeed Romans 1 give all reason to seek God yet HAS GOD SAID ? created the Source SIN Selfish Independent Negation of All sins John 1:29 unbelief in psychology and political correctness there are no absolutes a self-deceiving double-minded absolute statement
Forgive me please, I failed to mention: Of course the word Christ, anointed one is Messiah, or moshiach in the Hebrew I think.
The greatest question of all time, and asked in the Gospel of Mark is “Art thou the Christ, the son of the Blessed?” Every man must ask this – and receive its answer by faith, no doubting – or be eternally damned.
The Messiah is the greatest Christmas contata and so too knowing the Messiah and having Him as one’s Lord and shepherd (Psalm 23), brother, intercessor and Friend is the greatest privilege of a person’s life. He is the Christ, the only one. No other can save as He. The prophecies regarding a particular Messiah, or Christ begin way back in Genesis 3 in something theologians call the Protoevangelium and is necessary because man being made in God’s image failed by doubting God’s words and fell into sin and death.
The Apostle Paul said,
“Wherefore as by one man sin entered the world and death by sin and so death fell upon all men for that all have sinned. Sin is the breaking of God’s law and so a Messiah was and is needed to save men and anoint them with God’s eternal life.
Praise God for Jesus and the Plan of Salvation they discussed and determined prior to the Fall of man. Are you a disciple of Jesus the Christ?! Have you been baptized as a “disciple” (as Matthew 28:19-20 requires), and saved?
Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God made, He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’? The most dangerous question asked because it dares us to doubt God.
What must I do to be saved?
I’m going to do a personal study starting with the angels, they always great us with a question. At the tomb, when Jesus accended, to Joseph (stepdad ), ….
The first question in the Bible, “Did God really say, ‘You should not eat from any tree in the garden?'” The serpent encouraging the authority of God….
The greatest question in the bible is Acts 2:37
“Men and breatheren, what shall we do?”
A great question from Jesus to Peter (John 21:15-17) “Simon, Simon, do you love (agapeo) me?” Peter answered: “Yes Lord, you know that I am very fond of you (phileo)”. Jesus was asking do you love me supremely, above everything else….
Personally thr answer to this question has tripped up many people who ignore it why did Jesus stop in the middle of the prophecy concerning his ministry in Luke 4 16 through 21 and picks up in Luke 21:22? A little hlnt Daniel 9:24 -27 Isaiah 45:11 Hebrews 10:4. Acts 14:22. Daniel 12:1-3 Rev.20:4-6. 12:2.5. ( 3.5 + 3.5 )John 1:29 Gen.3:15 Hebrews 2:8. 1Cor.15:23-28. To name a few
Job 7:17,18 an Angelic Question perhaps in reference to Gen.126 ? Nevertheless is Matt.26:39 a question we should consider concerning ourselves in reference to John 5:19? The embodiment of Proverbs 3:5,6 ?
Hear this Question WHY did Messiah Yeshua. STOP in the middle of a Prophecy concerning His ministry in Luke.4 :16 -21 ?
The answer clarifies greatly Thee True Unique Week of Thee Anointed Salvation. The Ministry of Jesus. cutting. New Covenant fulfilling 1st. 4 Objectives of Daniel 9:24. thru verse 27 for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins … Thus “Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the ” SIN “of the world,” UNBELIEF from which all other sins are born. Selfish Independent Negation. The 2nd. half of His 7 year ministry picks up in Luke 21:22,. Daniel 12:1-3 Rev.12:2,5 during the 3.5 year great tribulation period !. [ by thr way, Romans 12:1-3 shows thr new and living way of the New Covenant we are a living sacrifice revealing His sacrifice Gal. 2:20,21 thru Daniel 9:27 …wherein since The Lamb of God was rejected. by the religious leaders ,expecting the 2nd half of His ministry ,when He comes as a LION in ,,to put down His + their enemies , thus rejecting Him then He rejected their symbolic sacrifices of Himself and in 70 A.D. sent destruction and desolation. ] Thus leading to the question What is the ? of His Eye wherein we find a UNIQUE COMMAND Isaiah 45:11 which some think is a question. Similar to Malachi 3 :6-10 ? Matt.26:39 to recreate ? Genesis 1:26 ? Man chose to go his own way to decide for himself what is good and what is evil but ended up in the black hole of the. “””Dialectic””” without absolutes we begin at no beginning and work to no end Jeremiah 17:9 we are unaware of our own self deception “There are NO Absolutes ” s a double-minded deception of an absolute statement… Matt 26:39 to CHERISH* {Luke 7:47} Into Me See restoring communion common union back with Heavenly Father learning Co-Operation growing into Partnership and infinitely more Intimacy !
So Gal.4:1-6 to learn heavenly pattern of Matt.4:4-10 Biblical adoption .. Hebrew Greek Roman aristocrats had young son EXTENSIVELY Trained into Mind Will and Purpose of their father. To Inherit Signet Ring. of Authority and All inheritance … Hmm Rev.3:15-22 is to the last end time church. Knocking on their door. what position is being offered ? see also chapter 18:23 looking at the Greek word for sorceries being Pharmakia. Big Pharma what do they Do? Is Luke 21:35 upon us ???
Regardless chapter 20: 4-6. Who are these highly honored saints ? Have many people ever questioned the seriousness of Matt.24:24 in this Age of Deceit in which live ??? Enter stage right Romans 8 :1-13 the adoption process, from children to young men 14-23 The Sonship with Signet Ring. … Finishing His Ministry 2 Cor.4:7 ! Wherein All creation groans and travails waiting to be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the Glorious Liberty of the sons of God… Isaiah 66:6-9 !!! Hebrews 5:8,9 Acts 14:22. Only way to learn patience Romans. 5:1-5 Ecclesiastics 7:8 states. Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof and patient in spirit better than proud and spirit. Though Jesus was His Son yet learned He obedience by the things which he suffered and being made perfect He became the author of Eternal salvation and to all those that obey… as Franklin wrote Prosperity does best discover Vice, Adversity does best discover Virtue .
Alas ChristMass reproduction John ;17:20,21 , 20:21,22
* Thee 1st Commandment a schoolmaster to recognize. our insufficiency in humility , lack of appreciation , our brokenness, missing purpose , Blindness
Satan when Lucifer hovered over throne but mystery of iniquity…desired to BE worshipped ? Certainly was likely most popular Angel Being Made Perfect and also Choir leader now the pied piper of Pride and Deception yet is He unwillingly God Greatest Soul Winner ?
Where as The Father wants a loving family for Intimacy… For of His Peace and Empire THERE SHALL BE NO END ….Every Unfolding unspeakable Dimensions beyond our puny imagination … Will not His faithful ones Rule and Reign with Him in service to endless generations with Joy Unspeakable ?