Warden Norton in "The Shawshank Redemption" quoted Bible verses while mistreating inmates and pilfering money. Typical Christian behavior!

Fanatical preacher in "Contact" who blows up an interplanetary spaceship because, you know, Christians HATE everything about science.

The fire-snorting, fumbling, preacher from "Inherit the Wind" wilts under pressure from cool, rational evolutionists. Suffering a heart attack on the stand while raining down judgment on the courtroom is the least this intellectual worm deserves.

Mrs. Carmody from "The Mist." Just your average Christian housewife waiting for the Apocalypse so she can uncork that pent up repression in self-righteous wrath. Yawn.

Mother from "Carrie." Garden variety Pentecostal, wild-eyed and witchy. Just imagine how many innocent telekinetic teens are locked in closets because of these Bible thumpers.
All accurate portrayals, thanks for reminding me of these types of scum!