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Notes from My Workshop “A Theology of Horror”

My workshop at the Realm Makers 2015 conference on “A Theology of Horror” was very well-attended. But, man, it just flew by. We had a few technical problems and less than an hour to cover 50-plus slides worth of material. I was speaking a hundred miles an hour and still only managed to cover half my notes. For that reasons, I figured I’d provide a link to my Google Slides presentation. The material is pretty dense, but it should give you an idea of my approach to the subject.


Of course, in my latest non-fic study, Christian Horror: On the Compatibility of a Biblical Worldview and the Horror Genre, I expand upon this material in more detail. And if you’re a conference organizer and think this material would fit with your events, or if you’re simply interested in discussing this topic further via blog interview, podcasts, etc. feel free to contact me via email or my other social media outlets. Thanks!

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Teddi Deppner September 10, 2015, 2:49 PM

    Fantastic, Mike! I missed your presentation at Realm Makers, but have enjoyed your book. Great idea to share this here, and I hope you get the chance to do some podcasts or interviews or something. It’s a great topic.

  • Elizabeth Ellen Carter September 15, 2015, 8:18 PM

    I went through all of the slides and loved your presentation. Well done. Like Teddi, I’d would love to see a podcast.

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