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The Dangers of Christian Mysticism

Photo source: http://www.vedic.com

This summer, at a writer’s conference I attended, popular Christian author Ted Dekker described himself as a “Christian mystic.” During that weekend, both in public sessions and private conversation, Dekker reinforced his claim. For example, his next fictional work is entitled The 49th Mystic. He favorably referenced William Paul Young and Richard Rohr, both whom could fall under the label of “Christian mystic.” In keynote sessions, Dekker referred to the Holy Spirit as our “Mother” and described the physical world as illusory. Again, mystical concepts and language. And in his new course, entitled The Forgotten Way, he appeals to esoteric concepts like “re-discovering” lost knowledge and seeking a new experience of God’s overflowing love.

This promo for The Forgotten Way describes the course thus:

The Forgotten Way Meditations is a journey of re-discovering the radical love, peace, and identity found in Yeshua so you can see and be differently.

Forgotten, because Yeshua’s simple path of awakening to love, peace and power in this life is rarely remembered (or understood) by millions of Christians weighed down with life’s cares and concerns. Way because it is a pathway we walk, not a checklist of rules to follow.

Enter the Way of Yeshua so easily forgotten. Take the journey from hate to love; from fear to faith. The journey from insecurity to complete rest. Here you will find peace in the storms; you will walk on the troubled seas of your life. Love, joy and peace will flow from you as living waters.

Throughout the promo material Dekker makes incredible claims like, “The whole world longs for the Way of Yeshua” and “An awakening is sweeping the world.” Couple this with the employment of mystical concepts and language (like “awaken to truth,” join in the “divine dance,” experience “new power,” etc.) as well as testimonials from initiates that learning this “forgotten way” will revolutionize your life, I couldn’t help but be suspicious.

Which I’m convinced is the appropriate posture to take.

Ted Dekker is not alone in his embrace of Christian mysticism. Evangelical Resources on Mysticism (along with its fairly helpful compilation of sources on the subject from an Evangelical perspective), notes that,

Mysticism exists in a myriad of forms. Within Christianity, it is seen in Roman Catholic teachings, the 20th century Pentecostal and Charismatic traditions, and in the Quakers. In the great three monotheistic religions, it is seen in the practices of the Gnostic Christians, the Sufi Muslims, and the Kabalistic Jews. Outside of monotheism, mysticism expresses itself in the Western New Age movement, as well as the Eastern Buddhism and Hinduism, Yoga, and Native American spirituality. (bold mine)

Because of this, defining mysticism can be somewhat difficult as there are many branches, forms, and syntheses. Catholic theologian Bernard McGinn defines Christian mysticism simply as,

“[T]hat part, or element, of Christian belief and practice that concerns the preparation for, the consciousness of, and the effect of […] a direct and transformative presence of God.”(McGinn, Bernard (2006), The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism, New York: Modern Library)

This idea of seeking and acquiring an experience of the “direct and transformative presence of God” is foundational for the Christian mystic. It assumes both

  1. a greater knowledge and experience of God/spiritual things is available, and
  2. intentional practices and pursuit of said knowledge and experience is critical for transcendence or living “fully”

Of course, lots of things intersect here. For example, what one believes (or does not believe) about God and Man comes into play. What one believes about the authority of Scripture and the parameters of “enlightenment” are important. Also, the person and work of Christ (His pre-eminence, atonement, and mediatorial work) are extremely important. And this is where one of the great dangers of Christian mysticism comes into play.

Without some boundaries, mysticism can veer into potentially dangerous, unorthodox, even occult areas.

This idea of “boundaries” is what prompted Evangelical blogger, Tim Challies, to write The Boundaries of Evangelicalism, and caution his readers about the “prevalence of mysticism” in the contemporary church.

As I survey the contemporary church, one of my gravest concerns is the power and prevalence of mysticism. It appears in pulpits, books, and conversation. It is at the heart of Sarah Young’s bestselling Jesus Calling, it is in all the much-loved books by John Eldredge, it fills the pages of so many books on spiritual disciplines or spiritual formation, it is almost everywhere you look. Language that was once considered the distinguishing language of mysticism is now commonly used by Evangelicals.

Mysticism was once regarded as an alternative to Evangelical Christianity. You were Evangelical or you were a mystic, you heeded the doctrine of the Reformation and understood it to faithfully describe the doctrine laid out in Scripture or you heeded the doctrine of mysticism. Today, though, mysticism has wormed its way inside Evangelicalism so that the two have become integrated and almost inseparable. In an age of syncretism we fail to spot the contradiction and opposition.

According to Challies, the two main biblical “boundaries” that mysticism potentially challenge are:

  • the doctrine of Scripture alone (sola scriptura)
  • the doctrine of faith alone (sola fide)

For example, in a recent Facebook post, I spoke critically of Christians who attempted to incorporate Eastern ideas and practices into a Christian worldview. I bemoaned, “That moment when you follow a ‘Christian’ writer’s FB comment to their personal page and discover they espouse aligning chakras, the power of the ‘divine feminine,’ and astrology. Ugh.” I was somewhat surprised to receive so much pushback from other professing believers. Like the following commenter who concluded, “Don’t knock something until you have opened your mind to it. Know the God of the bible… then go beyond.”

This idea of “going beyond” the Bible is intrinsic to much mystic thought. However, it potentially violates both the doctrine of “Scripture alone” and “faith alone,” opting instead for an experience of God that transcends the typical restraints of Scripture. In such a scenario, the mystic concludes there are no boundaries (or very few) to one’s experience of God. The experience alone is its justification and authority. Thus, you must “Know the God of the bible… then go beyond.”

Similarly, in The Forgotten Way Meditations, Ted Dekker describes the “revelations” which led him to the re-discovery of superior knowledge.

“Then I heard another thought , like a voice but not a voice at the same time. ‘Let go of all you think about Me, so that you can KNOW Me.’ Translation; Let go of your intellectual knowing, so that you can experience my love (to know in a biblical sense.)” (From The Forgotten Way Meditations, p. 22)

This idea of “letting go,” of surrendering “intellectual” knowledge for something deeper, more experiential is foundational to much Christian mystical thought. Often attached to this is the inference that biblical orthodoxy and/or traditional theological strictures are inadequate and must be transcended. Knowing the God of the Bible, according to the Christian mystic, often means going beyond the narrow confines of doctrine and its legalistic imposition.

But what if what we know about God is correct? What if the traditional theological parameters are INTENDED to keep us from going “beyond”? On what grounds can we distinguish the voice of God from the voice in our head, or the voice of the devil for that matter? If experience is the arbiter of truth, how in the world can we determine what is false?! And herein lies the potential problem with Christian mysticism — it swaps doctrine for experience, it subordinates what we know for how we feel.

Now, for the sake of clarity, let me shift gears here. What I am NOT suggesting is that mystical experiences should be shunned and that there are always clean, tight boundaries between doctrine, practice, and experience. I DON’T believe Christian mysticism (depending upon how one defines it, of course) is always inherently evil. I have benefited from some who could be labeled as Christian mystics and have had experiences that have challenged certain theological beliefs of my own.

With much hesitancy, I agree with Donald Miller when he said, “You cannot be a Christian without being a mystic.” Yes, there’s a lot to unpack and qualify there. However, the fact that strange, often unexplainable, weird things fill Scripture and Christian history is beyond dispute.

In my article, Another Perspective on Ghosts, I argue that “paranormal phenomenon does not always fit tightly into our theological framework.” I think the same could be said of mystical experiences.

It is simply too easy to resign all paranormal phenomenon into the category of the demonic. Samuel’s “appearance” [I Sam. 28] was not viewed as demonic, nor was the Transfiguration of Moses and Elijah [Matt. 17]. Furthermore, we have no need to “test the spirits and see whether they are from God” (I Jn. 4:1) if all spirits (or spiritual phenomenon) are categorically evil. So while the Bible cautions us about deceiving spirits, it does not go so far as to say that all “encounters” are necessarily of the “deceptive” order.

I understand that this might trouble some folks. The larger issue, as I see it, is coming to grips with the world we live in. Scripture paints a universe of vast mystery, teeming with intellects (visible and invisible) both good and evil, and phenomenon beyond our wildest imaginings. This is why the Bible contains wondrous stories — stories we often take for granted — about miracles, visions, reviving corpses, warrior angels, talking mules, fiery chariots, demonized swine, tongues and prophecies. We simply live in a supernatural world. The downside—paranormal phenomenon does not always fit tightly into our theological framework. Deal with it.

I think the same can apply to mystical experiences. We live in a weird, wonderful world and shouldn’t expect that all mystical experiences fit tightly into our theological framework. However, the Bible still provides a framework and cautions us about over-stepping its bounds.

In a private, group conversation with Ted Dekker at the aforementioned conference, he suggested that the apostle Paul was one of the great Christian mystics. I had to concede there was truth to that! Paul had many strange experiences of God. He was struck from his horse by God’s light on the Road to Damascus (Acts 9). He used “mystical” language, praying that God would open the eyes of our hearts (Eph. 1:18) and reveling in the fact that believers are seated with Christ in heavenly places (Eph. 2:6). In fact, the apostle Paul was even caught up to the third heaven, unsure whether he was “in the body or out,” and witnessed things that words could not describe (II Cor. 12). We cannot study the apostle Paul’s life without conceding the miraculous, mysterious, and, yes, even the mystical. However, that same apostle warned about “giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (I Tim. 4:1) and cursed anyone who would preach a false gospel (Gal. 1:8). In this way, he struck a balance, writing:

“Do not put out the Spirit’s fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good.” (I Thessalonians 5:19-21 NIV)

I think those words are a fitting framework for how we should approach the issue of Christian mysticism. We are to “test everything” — that means we shouldn’t blindly assume that every voice is the voice of God, or that every experience, no matter how profound, is legit. But in all our testing, we must not “put out the Spirit’s fire.” KJV translates that, “quench not the Holy Spirit.” Test, but don’t quench. Be critical, but not unbelieving.

The wrong thing to do is to embrace ALL mystical claims and experiences. Equally wrong is to reject ALL mystical claims and experiences. Test, but don’t quench. Cling to what is right and true. Maintaining this balance is one of the great challenges and dangers of Christian mysticism. How can we be open to new spiritual experiences and a deeper relationship with God without being driven by our emotions or ensnared by false doctrine? Must we go “beyond” the Bible in order to really know God? Then what good is the Bible if only to lead us to rewrite its boundaries? Is it possible to adhere to sound doctrine yet pursue more esoteric practices or experiences? If so, how do you know when such a doctrinal boundary has been reached?

Chesterton wrote, “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.” In realty, it is probably more true to say that the Way has been “found difficult; and left untried” than that it has been “forgotten.”

Which is why I’ve concluded that the best posture toward Christian mysticism and its claims is not indiscriminate embrace, but sober discernment.

{ 66 comments… add one }
  • Renfred Clowes December 17, 2021, 11:52 AM

    ‘The Lord does whatever He wills, in Heaven and on the Earth….
    Psalm 135

  • TC December 17, 2021, 1:57 PM

    Mysticism in all it’s forms is demonic. The practice of it takes one into altered states of consciousness. Saying that it’s somewhat true is not being discerning. God’s miracles are a display of His power, never mystical in nature.

    • Renfred Clouss December 17, 2021, 5:51 PM

      You apparently don’t know God AT ALL. I’ll pray for you.

  • Tony G. April 5, 2022, 4:09 PM

    And talking with a snake that leads to man’s downfall is not mysticism?

  • Mystic Atubra August 30, 2022, 9:16 AM

    LR you misunderstood my name my name is mystic that doesn’t mean I am doing anything call mysticism I am a christian I believe in Christ I know what Christ has done for me so I am telling the whole world to know that they do not understand the new testaments are they don’t know what actually Christ did for them so Ggod sent me to remind you people about what he did on the cross so I am preaching to each an every human being to let you know that Christ didn’t die for us to be called sinners but rather he died for us to be called holy people righteous people he made us a peculiar people to be zealous for good work but all the preaching l do hear do not prove to anybody that we are holy you always encourage us to sin and then pray for it prayer cannot erase any sin so don’t misunderstand me . I am all always trying to let you know that we are far from old testament or old testament came to an end so we are in a New era so let’s do according to the will of Christ let’s preach Christianity that is all I’m talking about I have more I cannot say now, if anything you call me back ,thank you very much for asking me the question that what is wrong with Christianity ?Christianity have lost because of the people who are preaching without the holy spirit. I’m telling you that Christ is God he is not a son of any Goda , according to the Bible Christ is God. Christ is the lord who was in the old testament and he is the lord who is in the New testament that is why we say Christ is the lord so if you don’t know I’m telling you please obey my voice and you’ll be happy tomorrow so I am telling you that, go to Isaiah 9:6 go to revelation chapter 1 verses 8 go to revelation 19 vs 13 go to John 14:9 go to John chapter 1 verses 1 to 14 go to Romans chapter 9 verses 5 which is proving to us that Christ is God ,the Father, the son and the holy Spirit. if you don’t know Christ is not divided, God is not divided, God is one unit so I tell you the truth I can’t lie you thank you very much for listening Amen

    You misunderstood my name.

  • jimbob November 5, 2022, 8:44 AM

    My wife and i jut started reading the forgotten way, not knowing anything of Mr Dekker.
    My wife found his wife on Pintrist. The pictures we see of her indicate she is embracing things like halo-ween,which to us represents something that Jesus came to die for. (evil) The pictures of her say a lot and make us wonder and question the “spirit” behind all that? am i being too harsh here? I don’t know. We are less enthusiastic about reading his material based upon what we have seen in these pictures. Something to us does not add up. Am i wrong? kindly, Jim

    • Curtis December 4, 2024, 5:25 AM

      You are SPOT ON with your discernment, (1 John 4:1). I’d stay far away from those who promote mysticism, too.

  • Beverly January 2, 2023, 8:53 AM

    I agree with Ms. Mystic, there is compromise and infiltration going on here – the Bible is the inspired word of the Living God, Jesus Christ God Almighty Himself, and is not to be added to or taken away from. Jesus Christ is central from Genesis through Revelation. Because of Gods love for his created peoples He took on the form of man and became the once and forever acceptable sacrifice for the sin of man, from the most “minor” sin to the most “major” sin. Jesus Christ paid the penalty (eternity in hell) for all; however, this gift of salvation from hell must not only be acknowledged but believed to the point of receiving His gift of love and opening it so as to possess it. When this takes place one receives a new nature – not a perfect nature – but new and eternity with Jesus Christ. One is saved from the penalty of sin, then through daily time with Him (not an item on a religious check list), grows into having power over sin in ones life and ultimately saved from the very presence of sin!
    We are not to develop a new “faith-based” religion when we truly have an unexplainable experience with our Lord, Jesus Christ, God Almighty Himself. It is an intimate experience to be treasured not “commercialized”.
    All of the above is clearly supported in the most amazing book of all time, Gods inspired word, The Holy Bible. The smallest “clump of sin” will metastasize and if allowed into heaven, darkness will reign; therefore, the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus Christ, was and is most necessary. You don’t choose His free gift to you, then you actually choose the penalty for sin, eternity with Satan in hell. God loved the world so much He Himself came to offer His gift to each of us; the cleansing of sin. He created hell for Satan and sin, not for you, unless you have rejected His free gift, the cleansing of sin through His shed blood. He suffered horrifically for you.

    • Clayton January 2, 2023, 10:35 AM

      Oh my! You think that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit only have same brain, abilities and knowledge as a human being? The Lord does what He wills, in heaven, and on the earth, above anything a human being knows or understands completely. The scriptures passed down to us were given to individuals He selected . Apostles, Scriptural writers, Saints etc. were selected by the Lord to do His work. And,yes, He works with individuals as He will for His own reasons.

  • Lana April 17, 2023, 12:18 PM

    Thank you for that article. It really gave me clarity, revealing the truth as something that has a real balance, requiring we be neither opened nor closed but discerning. Clearly mystism is shown in the bible. No extreme is a good extreme. Thank you for this insight. Be blessed.

  • Beth May 28, 2023, 12:00 PM

    Here is the truth which is spoken around by this and articles like it. Mysticism is literally the absorption of the souls of women for the purpose of channeling devine energy to oneself to become more like God. Practitioners use practices such as transcedental meditation, mental alchemy, and the occult to realize this process of union. Unfortunately, for the woman who is deceived into surrender through mesmerism and often, occult manipulation such as through demonology and the use of witchcraft, she will lose her soul in this process and eventually, her spirit will be cast out once the practioner has acheived illumination. It was explained to me by a practioner that kabbalhists eventual worm their way into union (devine union) and that the oroborus, the serpent that consumes itself, represents the process of casting out the the unwanted spirits of women. What the women feels is an intense love brought on by the meditation of the kabbalhist/occult influence. It is not of God. Jesus loves us and “[saved] his people from sin, [sent] his only begotten son, so that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.” Jesus does not want his people to surrender their souls to the works of the enemy. Practitioners have also been deceived by Satan, believing that their “great work” will bring them power and glory. It will bring them sorrow and shame. They take from God’s people what is not theirs, sacrificing the lives of others in the process. High witches guard the bound spirits in their illuminati pyramid as the Kabbalhist builds his sephirothic map of devine names using the souls of the woman. Through alchemical marriage, he will merge his soul with hers, gold with silver, sun with moon casting out impurities as they form a new more perfect soul or vehicle that he will take leaving her behind. I thank you Jesus that I survived this deceipt when I was attacked by it. To God be the glory.

    • reno June 15, 2023, 6:05 PM

      I regret to inform you that this is just a darker branch of Mysticism, and doesn’t represent CHRISTIAN Mysticism in its’ true and proper form.

  • ken June 16, 2023, 2:53 PM

    Nice write-up

  • Grace December 11, 2023, 8:41 PM

    No one needs to be fearful or proscriptive about ideas and books. Please, take a moment and think about the internet. Think about how much is truly out of your hands.

    Also, sola scriptura and sola fide are only relevant to a few denominations of an otherwise HUGE tradition, so it seems odd that those were sticking points, here.

    In fact, there seems to be a very narrow and dogmatic view of Christianity hidden behind the words, here. And this is coming from a Catholic.

  • Jailyn September 11, 2024, 2:58 PM

    My experience with mysticism was profound and dark. I discovered it when a man practicing Kabbala sent Kundalini up my chakras. I was blown open, my soul detached from my body, to ecstatic experiences and found myself completely mesmerized. I felt an unbelievable love but also assaulting demons. After incessant reading from this individual’s social media trying to understand what happened to me, I discovered the Kabbala connection. This man was trying to pull my soul from my body to use as a sephiroth. “Ethical math” he posted. I don’t think so. What he did to me and others was diabological. Thank God for Jesus, I am still here. Please know, mystics are takings the lives of your wives and daughters who come to believe that this is their twin flame.

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