Like many of you, 2021 has been a memorable, if not crazy, year for the Durans. For those of you who know us, or just follow me on social media, here’s a brief update on some of what’s been happening with our family.
Perhaps the most significant event of 2021 for us was that Lisa and I finally retired. We’d both worked at the local school district and were blessed to have pensions and built up a decent savings. Being that we paid off our house several years ago, we were able to retire debt-free, a HUGE accomplishment in our day and age. What makes this especially rewarding is that neither of us were college educated or had career goals. As a young family, we struggled greatly. Now, after 40+ years of hard work and frugality, God’s blessed us to enter into a new season of life. We are SO THANKFUL to Him!

One of the first things we set out to do (like so many retirees) was to travel. One of my bucket list items was to see the Grand Canyon. So in May we hit the road for a 9-day loop through Zion National Park, the Grand Canyon, and Sedona, Arizona. We had a wonderful time. Later that Summer we took an even longer trip along the California coast, staying at Shelter Cove, a small, rather isolated coastal town along what is called the Lost Coast. From there, we made our way south, staying in Carmel before heading down to Santa Barbara. With more time on our hands, we’ve had lots of chances to camp, go on bike rides (we purchased a pair of electric bikes), and visit impromptu with our kids and grandkids. Next year, Lord willing, we hope to see Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons, another one of my bucket list items, as well as a week in Yosemite.

Like everyone else, 2021 has been about navigating COVID. Lisa and I have been blessed to have not contracted the virus, although several of the kids and their spouses have. Still, we are thankful that symptoms were mild for all involved. With three teachers in the family, the pandemic forced them to teach remotely, as well as homeschool their own kids. Our son Jon is a respiratory therapist and was in the belly of the front-line pandemic response. He often worked the COVID wing and saw first-hand the immense pressure on hospital staffing. He was honored by a local church as a Healthcare Hero. We’re very proud of him.
Sadly, we have had several friends pass away from COVID. In fact, our church was hit hard, with two staff pastors going to be with Jesus. Mike officiated three funerals this year (a lot, for him!), one for a fellow school district employee whose husband passed away suddenly from COVID. If anything, this dark season has reminded us of our mortality and the need to live life to its fullest. Likewise, the opportunities for ministry have abounded. As our pastor recently noted, the Church has historically thrived during times of global upheaval, bringing hope and comfort to the hopeless and hurting. In the same way, we truly hope that we can be a light during this dark time.

Our grandkids (all 11 of them) are a spark of energy, joy and sometimes, exhaustion. Theo, our oldest just started high school. The rest are spread out between pre-school and elementary. Kenny was recently baptized. Arayla has taken up horse riding and can eagerly recite types of horses, gear, and commands. Her brother, Jonah, finished a successful year of youth soccer (his first) and appears eager to keep playing. Likewise, Micah finished his first year of youth basketball and managed to make the All-Star team. Cadence built up her savings and bought herself a dog, bringing their canine clan to three. She’s also become quite good at working with clay and crafting. Gia’s cancer remission continues, praise God. Her specialist cut her tests back to bi-annual. Next week she goes for her full-body scan at Children’s Hospital in L.A. (Thanks again to so many of you who have continued to pray for her and her parents during this journey.)
Now that Lisa is free from work, she’s become an in-demand babysitter. In fact, she’s so popular that she’s getting “booked” months in advance by her kids! Meanwhile, Mike has been doing alot of non-fiction writing and has had pieces published in The Stream, Lorehaven, and the Gospel Coalition. He continues to craft and do woodworking, selling at the Made Store in Riverside.
So that’s a brief recap of our year! We’re so thankful for God’s continued blessing and protection. We’re excited to see where He takes us on this new season of life. We appreciate those of you who’ve taken interest and play a part in our journey. May you and yours have a blessed holiday season!
And blessed Holidays to you and yours!
Thanks, Bonnie!
Congratulations on your retirement, Mike.
Thanks, Jill!