‘The Visitant‘ was a story I conceived while researching my essay “On Conspiracy Theories and Why Christians SHOULD Be Interested in Them.” During that research, I learned of something called “exit counselors.” These were individuals who specialized in helping people leave cults. Apparently, the rise in disinformation and “fake news” has caused many to fall into extremist tribes. As such, the need for exit counselors has grown. However, my research also led me to conclude that many so-called “conspiracies” actually contain elements of the truth. Anyway, it inspired me to speculate — What would happen if an exit counselor was faced with a conspiracy that proved true? Throw in a government cover-up, a mad scientist, and a ‘non-terrestrial intelligence,’ and you have ‘The Visitant.’
This novella is now live at Amazon and available to download as an ebook. Paperbook books are in process and should be available in a week or so. If you like dark fantasy and noir with Lovecraftian vibes, you should check out “The Visitant.’
This is so awesome. Excited to read this when I can! Stumbled across your website while researching the connection between Dean Koontz and spiritual warfare.