The following is an excerpt from my book Christian Horror: On the Compatibility of a Biblical Worldview and the Horror Genre, from the section entitled Christian Horror Offers Redemption Amidst Darkness. *** Much contemporary horror can be bleak and filled with despair. In fact, nihilism and hopelessness often occupy a significant swath of the horror [...]
I’m thrilled to announce that the 2nd edition of “Christian Horror: On the Compatibility of a Biblical Worldview and the Horror Genre” is now live at Amazon! The second edition has almost twice the content as the original, clocking in at nearly 65K words (as opposed to the first edition’s 35K). Of course, I’ve included [...]
The first iteration of Christian Horror: On the Compatibility of a Biblical Worldview and the Horror Genre, was drawn from a series of blog posts I had assembled between 2005 and 2015. That period paralleled my pursuit of a writing career. During that time, I had quite a few articles and short stories published (along [...]

Thomas Gray, an 18th century poet, is responsible for the often-quoted phrase, “Ignorance is bliss.” However, the entirety of Gray’s actual quote is, “Where ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.” President Thomas Jefferson embellished that quotation with his own, saying, “If ignorance is bliss, why aren’t more people happy?” Scripture has a lot [...]
My father used to say he was “a good bad example.” But in retrospect, he was probably a better “good example” than a bad one. At this writing. he’s been gone 20 years. This pic (to the right) is my favorite photo of him. It hangs in my office. I think it captures both his [...]
My new non-fiction project, “Christians & Conspiracy Theories: Investigating Alternative Truth-Claims without Buying in to Fear, Fanaticism, or Tribalism,” is now available! Here’s the back cover blurb: *** The Great Reset. Bigfoot. Anti-Vaxxism. UFOs. Conspiracy theories are no longer a fringe phenomenon. Thanks to the internet and media amplification, conspiracies that were once far-fetched are now [...]
Last weekend, two films about demonic possession released. The Pope’s Exorcist and Nefarious both ended up in the Top 10 weekend box office numbers (3rd and 9th respectively). Though not all Christians will celebrate such films, much less see them, our culture’s continued interest in the exorcism genre should invoke mild curiosity, if not great [...]

I’m having a blast working on my next book: a non-fiction project entitled “Christians & Conspiracy Theories: Investigating Alternative Truth Claims without Succumbing to Fear, Fanaticism, or Tribalism.” Here’s a excerpt from the Introduction. The book is tentatively releasing in the Spring of this year. ~~~ Shortly after converting to Christianity in the Spring of [...]
‘The Visitant‘ was a story I conceived while researching my essay “On Conspiracy Theories and Why Christians SHOULD Be Interested in Them.” During that research, I learned of something called “exit counselors.” These were individuals who specialized in helping people leave cults. Apparently, the rise in disinformation and “fake news” has caused many to fall [...]
Over the years, I have received a good number of emails from new writers looking for publishing advice regarding their stories. Specifically ‘Christian Horror’ stories. This advice typically revolves around two questions: Should I publish traditionally or independently?Should I aim for the Christian market or the General market? There are many Christian writers of horror [...]