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Oprah’s Mis-Guiding Light

“To whom much is given, much is required.” Jesus said those words in Luke 12:48. They came to my krishna-christ.jpgmind after I learned about Oprah Winfrey’s latest Book Club selection.

Eckhart Tolle, Miss O’s latest inductee, is described simply as a “spiritual teacher.” After long periods of depression, he is said to have attained enlightenment at the age of 29. While he claims no religious affiliation, Tolle’s teaching is a mash-up of Hinduism, mystical Islam, Sufism, Zen Buddhism, A Course in Miracles, and Scripture. As with many such Westernized spiritual hybrids, Jesus is made out to be just a guru, a great spiritual teacher like Buddah or Krishna. Tolle’s book A New Earth, continues along that line.

From the publisher’s Penguin Group blog:

Published in 2005, A New Earth encourages a collective sense of commitment to changing the way we live for people who want to make a difference. With the knowledge that we live in a time desperate for global change, renowned spiritual teacher Tolle’s book answers the question: what can one person do to enact that change? With clarity and in practical terms, he gently leads readers to a new level of consciousness, awakening them to their lives’ purpose and inviting them to envision a new earth where peace and fellowship are the norm.

I’ve been inviting my readers “to a new level of consciousness” since I started this here website. But, unlike Tolle, I believe that Jesus is the Supreme Guru, salvation is more than just a new perspective, and changing the world involves a lot more than just “envisioning” global peace.

Really, it’s garden variety New Age-ism; same old soft, self-realizing, psycho-babble.

What makes this sell so interesting is Oprah. The talk show host’s endorsement has proven to be a magic wand for authors and their wares, as it has for Tolle. Townhall reports:

Even for an Oprah Winfrey book pick, “A New Earth” has been a sensation. About 3.5 millionoprah.jpg copies of Eckhart Tolle’s spiritual self-help guide have been shipped since Winfrey, host of “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” announced her selection four weeks ago.

The book has topped the best-seller list on Amazon.com virtually from the moment Winfrey’s choice was revealed, and it is the fastest-selling pick ever at Barnes & Noble Inc., according to a statement issued Thursday by Winfrey.

It’s also a record shipment in a four-week span for any book by Penguin Group (USA). . .

But that ain’t it — Oprah’s going all out for Eckhart. Beginning today, she will host what’s being called A New Earth Web Event, a 90 minute online workshop based on Tolle’s teachings, that will run for 10 weeks. Brian Tart, president and publisher of the Penguin imprint Dutton, told The Associated Press that more than 500,000 people, from over 100 countries, have already registered for the seminar.

Question: Why are so many people so enthralled by Oprah? Her endorsements — whether it’s for a political candidate or a book — literally sway millions of people. But why? What has Oprah packaged, or proven, that has afforded her so much influence? She’s a daytime talk show host, for heaven’s sake!

Let me float an idea that may sound somewhat conspiratorial. Scripture is clear that the end of the age will be characterized by spiritual deception, watered-down gospels that undermine orthodoxy, neuter Christianity, redefine Jesus, and establish the “individual” as the locus of Truth (Matt. 24:5,11; Matt. 24:24-25; 2 Cor. 11:14-15; I Tim. 4:1).

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. — 2 Timothy 4:3-4

Call it fear-mongering or end-times fanaticism, but the Bible teaches a Great Deception is coming. And GuruNanakJi-1.jpgalong with it, are coming Great Deceivers.

Eckhart Tolle’s teachings are a dime a dozen. This isn’t to minimize the man’s personal struggles, individual worth, or charitable deeds. But his message is the same subtle, synthesized, New Age fluff that’s been shilled for the last 20 or 30 years. Sure, he preaches “peace” and promises “enlightenment.” But in the meantime, he denies basic tenets of Scripture, strips Jesus of His supremacy, and undermines centuries of Christian tradition.

And this is the Gospel O endorses.

Why is Oprah so popular and influential? Let me suggest that the talk show diva has tapped into trends, ideas, and forces far greater than she can imagine; she has mined a sentiment in her audience that will ultimately pave the way for the Greatest Deceiver. So while she’s busy selling boatloads of books and helping people find their “life’s purpose,” Oprah Winfrey is also leading millions of undiscerning devotees into, what the Bible calls, “fables.”

{ 12 comments… add one }
  • Nicole March 3, 2008, 3:19 PM

    Good analysis, Mike. She’s bought into her own incredible importance and abandoned her roots. It should be called “endarkened” not enlightened.

  • Ame March 3, 2008, 3:39 PM


    I am surprised at how many “Christians” LOVE her … and how they cannot see how off-center she is.

    Guess if she’s not The Greatest Deceiver, then paving the way for the one to come … hummm …

  • Rules Police March 4, 2008, 2:08 PM

    I keep an eye on Oprah. I spend my mornings cleaning, writing, home schooling and my afternoon/evenings driving kids to piano, tuba, guitar, gymnastics, ballet, Awana, or youth group. But I’m home and in the kitchen at 4:00 usually, figuring out dinner. I see what Oprah’s talking about. Sometimes I watch, sometimes I don’t. The thing is, she IS scarily relevent. That book The Secret was the same kind of thing. I did watch the episode where she has the authors on and it was creepy. I wish she was consistent. It seems her veiws change from show to show. She definately has power over women. And the man she’s endorsing for president seems to have that same kind of power…
    Anyway, honestly, I’d rather watch Ellen Degenerous. True confessions of Janet…

  • Mike Duran March 4, 2008, 2:27 PM

    Hey Janet, er Rules Police, I think Oprah’s “relevance,” coupled with the demographic she targets (moms and working women), is one of the reasons for her massive appeal. The other day, I “caught” Lisa and Trish watching Oprah (I say “caught” because I ALWAYS have a snarky comment when that program’s on), and the show was about dogs that had been rescued from dog fighting rings. And being that we’re big dog lovers, I had to admit the show was kinda emotional (the three minutes I watched). Therein lies the problem. Because when you follow a show on “rescued dogs” with “finding inner enlightenment,” somebody’s gonna get snookered. . . especially when the audience is as undiscerning as hers.

  • Rules Police March 4, 2008, 2:41 PM

    Oops. I forgot to change the “Rules Police” after leaving that silly comment for Dayle:)

    I think you’re right. In psych we’re learning about emotional conditioning. I get the eery feeling we get entertained far less than we get messed with these days. Then throw in the element of “good” stuff. Who can say anything bad about someone who gives so much?

  • janet March 4, 2008, 2:41 PM

    Oops again. okay i’m janet now…

  • Kaci March 4, 2008, 3:10 PM

    Well said. I heard someone call her “the high priestess of the U.S.” once, but I’ll leave the validity of the statement to the individual.

    More seriously, I truly cannot help but imagine the influence this woman will have in the event God ever gets ahold of her. And I truly do pray for that day.

  • Mark H. March 5, 2008, 2:03 AM

    There was a recent skit on Saturday Night Live in which the question was asked why more women were supporting Obama instead of Hillary. The answer (paraphrasing):

    “We women want to show that we are independent and free to vote for whoever Oprah tells us to vote for!”

  • janet March 5, 2008, 1:00 PM

    Mark, I saw that skit. It was hysterical. “Bitch is the new black.”

    The funny thing is we have our own version of Oprah. His name is Dr. Dobson.

  • amanda March 10, 2008, 3:20 AM

    The appeal of, and particularly the mindless following of Oprah is mind boggling to me. My mom used to watch her when I was in middle school so 4pm every day I’d get off the bus and go watch Oprah, but it was just a talk show. It’s still just a talk show. I’ve seen it plenty of times since and I don’t see what’s taken it beyond daytime talk show. I don’t see why people buy what Oprah tells them to, read what Oprah tells them to, believe what Oprah tells them to. It’s almost like there must be some episodes during which she hypnotizes the audience and I’ve missed all of them.

    My Grandmother emailed me about this program having pretty much exactly the same thing to say about it as this post. Then the next day one of my teachers was recommending it to the class. What?! Why is everybody so Oprah obsessed?!?!

  • Rosina November 3, 2012, 2:51 PM

    Drop the judgments of the mind and use your heart. Then you will sense Jesus and Eckhart are One and so are you

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