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Book Signing

Saturday was my first book signing ever and it was a huge success. Thanks to all who attended and helped put it together. Unless you’re a household name or have a cult following, book signings can be awkward and hit-or-miss. Being an unknown, first-time author, I did not have lofty expectations for a book signing. However, after considerable persuasion from my wife, the Barnes and Noble Community Relations rep agreed to purchase 50 copies of The Resurrection (she initially ordered just 25). Well, not only did we sell out, but a dozen-plus additional copies were ordered. It was a lot of fun and incredibly humbling. (The rep even suggested we come back for a follow-up signing!) Anyway, I am currently feeling blessed and thankful for the opportunities this writing gig has afforded me. I wonder where it’ll end up…

{ 19 comments… add one }
  • Jay February 13, 2011, 7:01 PM

    Good job, Mike! I bet that was encouraging. I’ve heard those can be duds, especially for people in your position. Makes it all seem more worth it, doesn’t it?

    • Jay February 13, 2011, 7:01 PM

      Wow, my comment makes it sound like I know what I’m talking about. What a jerk I am.

      • Mike Duran February 13, 2011, 7:07 PM

        No, they CAN be duds! Sure, you may be a jerk. But THAT PART you got right. 😉

  • Nicole February 13, 2011, 7:55 PM

    Wonderful. Cool. Good for Lisa, too.

  • Patrick Todoroff February 14, 2011, 6:05 AM

    Nice! Well done. Promotions for everyone.

    In fact, take the rest of the day off with pay.

  • Mark H. February 14, 2011, 8:44 AM

    That’s awesome! I’m glad it went so well.

  • Tana Adams February 14, 2011, 9:55 AM

    Congrats on a job well done! From the pictures it looks like you had quite a success. I just finished reading the Resurrection this weekend and can’t wait to review it on Amazon. It was fantastic!!!!

    • Mike Duran February 15, 2011, 7:44 PM

      Thanks so much, Tana! Looking forward to your review.

  • Jill February 14, 2011, 10:05 AM

    Congratulations! I think I need to just buy your book. I was really hooked by the teaser on Amazon.

  • Erica Vetsch February 14, 2011, 10:05 AM

    Wow! Look at that crowd! So glad you had a great turnout and such a positive experience. Congratulations!

  • xdpaul February 14, 2011, 10:54 AM

    Holy cow! It sounds like you skip this writing nonsense and go into book signing full time! That’s where the real money is at!


  • Merrie Destefano February 14, 2011, 2:28 PM

    This is SO cool, Mike! I wish I had been there. Thanks so much for sharing all the photos. It’s the next best thing to really being there. Congrats on your awesome signing and here’s to many, many more!

  • Sally Apokedak February 14, 2011, 4:38 PM

    Very cool. Did you do a reading, too?

    • Mike Duran February 15, 2011, 7:54 PM

      No, I didn’t do a reading, Sally. Actually, I was pretty skeptical about selling out. So Lisa and I had a little wager, which she won (not the first time). Had I known that many people would come, I may have done one.

  • Jillian Kent February 14, 2011, 8:11 PM

    Hi Mike,
    Congratulations! Looks like you had lots of fun too.

  • David James February 15, 2011, 2:49 PM

    Awesome! So glad things worked out for you for that signing. May you have many more from this! If your next one at that store turns out as good, maybe you can use that store as a reference to sign at other Barnes & Noble stores. 😀

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