He’s the little guy. Born 3:17 AM, February 2, 2007. 8 lbs. 6 oz., 20 inches long. Embraced by proud, novice grandfather. Meme and Jake, you’re the best! We love you!
Oh SO CUTE!!! (him, not you, Mike). It’s looks like you’re doing the grandpa thing right so far- bragging is one of the big parts of the job description. 8lb.6oz? God bless that mama!
Aw, what a happy looking surfer gramps! Congratulations all around. 🙂
Wahoo! Congrats!
Wow! Congrats to the happy grandpa and grandma. 🙂 (and the happy parents, too.) And he’s a beautiful baby.
Happy Birthday little guy!!!
What a beautiful picture. Congrats to everyone!
Awe how cute! He looks just like Melody! He is soo adorable and I can’t wait to hold him!
Hes soooo cute! I think he looks alot like his mama also! Take it easy, enjoy and well see you guys soon!
Love Jen- The Nunez Team
Ahhh . . . Congratulations!!!
I’ve been waiting for this pic!!!
Congrats to Melody, Jacob and Family!!! Welcome lil’ Theo!! I cant wait to meet you!! Take care….See you soon!!
-Brent -The Nunez Team
Oh SO CUTE!!! (him, not you, Mike). It’s looks like you’re doing the grandpa thing right so far- bragging is one of the big parts of the job description. 8lb.6oz? God bless that mama!
That’s funny, Janet. I guess I am doing “the grandpa thing” without even knowing it. God bless you all for your kind words!
What a DOLL! And you do look the proud-grandpa part, Mike. Congrats to the whole family. How fun! A little grandboy!
He’s beautiful!!! We’ve waited soo long! I am so happy for the both of you. Post lots of pictures, we can’t get enough here at work.
Alright! New inspiration for writing! Good looking kid, alright.