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New Post at Novel Journey

I’m up at Novel Journey today with a post about Eric Wilson’s Open Letter to Readers, Writers, and Publishers of Christian Fiction. An excerpt…

After nine books and well-over a decade as an author in the Christian Fiction industry, Eric Wilson is throwing in the towel. Why? Is it because he has forsaken the faith? Is it because the grass is greener in the general market? No.

Eric Wilson is leaving the Christian fiction industry because of what he perceives that industry has become…

Eric’s departure from Christian publishing truly saddens me and I hope the article shines more light on the struggle of Christian artists to write the story of their heart within the narrowing parameters of the Christian book industry. Once again, you can find the link HERE.

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  • Jay July 26, 2010, 6:05 AM

    Nice! It makes me want to avoid publishing in the Christian market even more.

  • Mike Duran July 26, 2010, 6:54 AM

    Jay, just so everyone is clear… my hope in highlighting this topic is not to discourage people from publishing in the Christian market. If anything, I would rather see us broaden our understanding of what Christian art and what its industry might become. Wishful thinking? Possibly.

    • Nikole Hahn July 28, 2010, 4:26 PM

      Thank you, Mike. Have a great day!

  • David James July 26, 2010, 7:14 AM

    I just don’t see why we have to let “them” tell us what is Christian and what is not anyway. Let’s start our own stores and sell the fiction and music in it that we like. That’s what I’ve been trying to do with Beyond the Charts for almost a year now. I recently had to shut the online store down because constant problems with the shopping cart, and with some other adjustments to what BTC is going to be about, I’ve held off on opening it back up until maybe next year. But why can’t we just open up stores with speculative fiction written by Christians with Christian messages, and why not have harder edge music in these stores instead of the fluff sold at most Christian book chains? Why not have some of the other stuff we like in these stores too like Superman and Terminator movies, and other mainstream artists we may like such as Dream Theater and Kansas?! Who says that the modern Christian market has to bow down to the old market? Why not create a new one?

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