The back cover copy for my second novel, The Telling, has been approved. So what do you think?
“The Telling” Back Cover Copy
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Mike –
Looks great! I’ll be watching for it.
Wowwww!! I’m excited to read it.
Looking forward to it, as always.
Very intriguing. The concept of his silence spawning the evil is especially interesting to me.
“Zeph” is an awesome character name. I must ask – is it short for Zephaniah?
Aubrey, he hates the name Zephaniah. Short of changing it to John Doe, he’s settled for slashing it in half.
That’s awesome. Definitely makes me want to get to know him.
I am much too distracted by that gorgeous art to read the blurb.
The thing I want to know from this blurb is – “How does a guy with a supernatural gift lose sight of the supernatural? (His unbelief)”
That’s why I would want to read the book if I was coming to it fresh.
I mean, if I wasn’t already predisposed to do so after The Resurrection.
It’s the same reason he considers himself a “modified realist” — the “modified” part is the “supernatural” one. Besides, if God destines someone to be called, couldn’t one’s denial also said to be… destined?
Pretty intriguing text. Love the art behind the text. Scary!!! Not sure my psyche can take it. I have trouble watching some tv shows!!!
This is a book I would buy based on the back cover.
I wanted to read it based off the excerpt in The Resurrection. And, yes, I like this. It has multiple hooks. Did you write it? Is hook-writing an acquired skill?
Jill, I did write this. The design team whittled it down a bit. I’m finding I really love doing blurbs. Perhaps if my carreer as a novelist fails, I can become a professional blurbist.
When I was in junior high my highest goal in life was to write back cover copy–no joke. I went around telling everybody that, and I must have sounded like the total geek I was. I didn’t realize then that hooks and cleverness were not in my natural skill set, but that’s what dreams are all about. Maybe if I fail at back cover copy, I can become a novelist.
This sounds fantastic!
Beautiful. I want to order the book as soon as it comes out.
Yes, you have definite blurbing skills, Mike. I’m ready to read/review this for you. I’m very fond of the name Zeph.
Wow, Mike, I’ve got chills from reading that!! And definitely a Mike Duran plot. Dynamite, buddy!!
Very nice!
Beautiful artwork. Good description. Two thumbs up.
Ab-Soul-Lute-Ly Beautiful! Can’t wait for it!
Sounds really interesting – except the first sentence doesn’t quite fit. Can they reword or delete the stepmother reference?
What’s the release date?
Looks really cool, Mike.
Nice. Looking forward to it, Mike.
I LOVE it!! Great job, Mike.